The Seventh Incarnation. _Shree Ram

 PART _1.

Son of King Dasarath and Queen Kausalaya

To be Crowned the future of King Ayodhaya

As a babe,looked majestic and Divine 

Always cheerful,,smiling. and fine.

He grew up to be a very" handsome"  young man

 Befitting  "The Suryavanshi Clan'

Trained in all skills as a prince should be

Every one was joyous and full of glee 

Prince Ram went to meet King Janak of Mithila

Where Princes from far and wide assembled for "The Swayamvara"

For their beautiful daughter Sita

None of the Princes could lift the Shiva's mighty bow.

Prince Ram was victorious amid this pomp and show

He broke the bow into two  with a" loud sound"

Resulting in a "Thunderous 

applause was heard all around

The Wedding was such a celebration 

Which could never be repeated for generation

Shri Ram  did not enjoy his life as a prince for long

His "stepmother" Kaikayee desire was so very  strong

She chose her own  son "Bharat"to be the future King

And of his praise every one would sing.

King Dasarath could not hold back his tears.

Silently he nursed his own fears

He could not bear to live with out his beloved Son

Every one's hearts he had already won

Shri Ram "at once" left with his wife and Lakshmana then and there

To "please his parents" he felt was the best way to "Care"

They left for the forest to begin a new life

Never ever felt hurt even though  it was full of strife

The beasts and the birds were there to "comfort"them All

And "protect them"from any harm befall.


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