The Distress of The Divine Mother Earth.
Five thousand years ago Mother Earth was a witness to several tyrannical kings who conquered not only kingdoms but brought upon severe atrocities on every one not even sparing innocent childrens lives.
People lost faith, they feared that "Peace"would never prevail going forward & "Righteous way  of life "would never  see it birth once again.
To  add to this misery was Kans the mighty and the most powerful, treacherous ruler  with whose rule wiped out every trace of goodness
The Mother Earth approached Lord Brahma and narrated the merciless plight of her people and their kingdoms.She sought help.
Lord Brahma promised to help and went to Vaikunta, the abode of Lord Vishnu.  He was reclning on the Anant Nag with Goddess Laksmi by his side.
Lord Brahma prostrated and voiced The Mother Earths plea.
Lord Vishnu then promised to be born as  the son of Vasudev and Devaki as the Eigth Avatar as Sri Krishna at the appropriate time and place.
Lord Brahma returned and pacified the Mother Earth to go back with out cause for anxiety as Lord Vishnu would manifest Himself as His Eigth Avatar and bring back what The Mother Earth had lost and regain back "Grandeur and Peace"


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