Post _258 The LORD of the "UNIVERSE" May I be able to "MEDITATE" And "SING"YOUR "PRAISE" Such "ECSTASY" is this"JOURNEY" An "AMAZING" Phase PRAY" that YOU "always remain "in my "MIND'S FRAME" To just be YOUR "ARDENT DEVOTEE "is my "ONLY AIM" At all times remain "Humble and Grateful and JUST Be The SAME" May I always be in a "Position to "CHANT YOUR DIVINE NAME" To Quell "EVIL and RESTORE RIGHTEOUSNESS YOU CAME' YOUR "ARDENT DEVOTEES LIVE BY THY NAME"
The "WILL" of God works "Wonders" When One's "FAITH" is "Rendered" HE takes Care of Our every need From all care of LIFE we are "FREED", Our Lives are "Easier" HE holds Our hands and leads Our Way In our Soul,Heart and Mind we pray HE will always Stay Pray that Our Eyes are always Blessed to "Seee and Feel" HIM" Our hearts Sing with Joy to the Brim Our Minds always "Ponder"on HIM When we "Chant HIS Divine Name" Life will never ever be the "Same" Every "Task "becomes "Easier" Our ",Utmost Devotion to" " The DIVINE TEACHER " Life "Shines like the " SUN" Brighter" The Heart becomes "Lighter" The Mind dwells "Deeper" Pray we are "Blessed"to be in "Union" together "Forever" HIS "Grace is Impossible to "MEASURE" To be "Connected to HIM in Lif...
For me "Mother's Day is "EVERY DAY" It's because of "HER" what I am "TODAY" Her "Uncondtional Love,Sacrifice and Care" To "None" We can "COMPARE" Leaving Her "Aspirations"ASIDE She Fondly takes care of US With an Endearing SMILE" on Her Face The Family's Happiness is always kept in "BALANCE" She prays for our welfare every moment of the day To Always see us be happy ,healthy and gay A Woman of Resolute Will,Patience and Perseverance Always ready to offer Her Guidance She always bore every thing in "SILENCE" One could feel A Special "AURA" IN HER PRESENCE " She is a "PRICELESS BOON" "GOD'S GIFT To US " We Bow Down to HER with "Humility,Utmost Affection,Love and Reverence",
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