Post -190 -The" MAGIC" of the "PRESENT MOMENT"

We have forgotten to live in the "Present Moment"
Only thinking of the "Past"all our lives we have spent
Or being anxious about the future which we can never comprehend
The warmth of the Sunshine
Or the Moon beams that brighten the sky at night
The vibrant blossoms of flowers and their fragrance
The melting ice or the lofty mountains
Be "grateful"for the "Wonderful Creation"around You
YOU being a part of it being so very true
The care and love we receive 
The opportunities that are wide open
Laid before us to. Be "Chosen"
We can become what we "Want"
With God's Grace,Sweat and  Toil
Our "Success "we can "Flaunt"
Every moment of the day are
Experiences full of "Wisdom"
To feel the"True Essence Of Freedom"
Simple things can make our lives meaningful and joyous
We become more and more "Conscious"
Feel the "WORTH" of "LIFE" being so very"PRECIOUS"
When we begin to feel the "Bliss"of "every moment of each day"
We begin to "appreciate and cherish"and the "PRIDE"to stay that way.
Finally we feel the "Inner Peace"and pray" it will last forever every moment of our day." 

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