We might have often heard of stories from our family members about how our great grandfathers ,grandfathers,and our parents lived a long life with negligible health issues.
They lived a disciplined lifestyle,ate nutritious food and never ever complained of not enjoying a "sound sleep"
The Secnario has changed enormously "Today."Health has taken a back seat inspite of warning it issues us now and then . Today " People have taken up Multi Tasking " that has become the norm of the day. This rob's away their time,energy and there is no room left to think about themselves .
This has led to many health hazards like Hypertension, Heart attacks,backed with stress,anxiety,depression,and sucides to top it all.
What is the ultimate solution for this? Is the immediate need to address than postponing it further. 
The need is to change our life style,allow the "MIND" to relax and alleivate stress ,and unnecessary anxieties. 
We need to seriously ponder to look at life in a different angle.
We need to find time to "create peace WITHIN"and find comfort in leading our lives,not with stress but with a sense of "zest for life"
I would like to relate my own life experience.In the 90' I suffered from chronic "Hypertension". My visits to the doctor was regular and sometimes very frequent. My medication was a long list of pills I need to swallow every single day. 
Nothing much changed. I was frustrated to a certain extent and I was looking for avenues that could help me lead a healthier life. 
I chanced to see an advertisement on S.SY.proramme in my city. The head office is at Bangalore Guruji Rishi Prabhakji was the  founder. 
Both me and my husband joined the programme. We learnt Meditation,Pranayama and Yoga. 
A few days into the programme helped me feel better and  then,we took it upon ourselves to adapt to this practise as a part and parcel of our lives. 
I felt so happy I had taken the right decision  on that day which changed my life.I completed my  teachers course too.
Today my health parameters have significantly improved as compared to the records of high BP and Diabetes. despite my advancing age, 
Meditation is a technique where we turn "INWARDS" from "Sound to Deep Silence"
It has a profound impact on the "Body,Mind and Soul"
Every one can do it. It helps us maintain good health  and once learnt it's important to "CONTINUE " for a Life time. 
Meditation is such a powerful tool that brings peace "WITHIN " and alleivates all health hazards.
Co -Founder LODRO RINZLER of MNDL(Moralistc ,Nice,Disciplined
Forgiving Level)started the Premier Meditation Studio"in New York in November 2015.
He said,"It's no longer your spiritual friend saying,You should try "Meditation" he says "It's your DOCTOR"


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