We are all so very "Blessed"to see and "WELCOME"you back to Ayodhya "Om Maryada Purushottam Om Antaya. " Your Divine Grace and Infinite Blessings PRAY we always Attain And we seek that in our minds and in our hearts YOU will always "Remain" Guide our pathway, Dear Lord That we lead a Life without any stain Bless us that our efforts never go in vain Make us pure in our thoughts ,words and deeds And forgive our misdeeds Help us to reflect our gratitude And look upon Life with a Positive attitude "Enhance" our SOULS with "THINE Energy" Grace us to become your Ardent "Devotee" Sing "THY Praise and thy Glory YOUR "Right Reason,Right Action, and Desirable VIRTUES" Continue to "INSPIRE" Bless US to lead such a Life "So True and So Pure", In our ,Hearts,Minds,and in our Souls" We BOW down to YOU with "Utmost Humility" Pray We always be Graced by "YOUR PRI...