
Showing posts from August, 2020

The Beauty Of The DIVINE.

The light of the million Suns reflect the glow of His face The sparkle of the eyes  glisten like the stars  The ruby lips speak the language of love and compassion.  The firm smooth hands are always ready to hug and shower blessings The ears are always attuned towards our prayers The heart melts like butter  to unfold our needs We only need to offer ourselves With a pure heart, a noble mind Then one can  feel truly His Pressence and Peace of mind.  Ones actions and intentions is all we need to be very much aware Towards nobility we need to prepare Then life is beautifBul and wonderous as He has made His protection and love for us will never ever fade We need to be the way He has made us noble and pure  Then the Beauty Of His Divinity we can experience for SURE.